
Griffith, Nanci


Another one of my favorite underrated female singer-songwriters I seem to flock to. Nanci has a unique style that tends to class up country and folk songs and always seems to be telling a tale of heartbreak and sorrow, while remaining strong and hopeful. I believe is a true student of the music she sings and treats these songs as gifts. Ive had the pleasure of seeing her from the 4th row at the Tower Theatre in Philly and made her a flower out of balloons and gave it to her before the encore began. She held it up and the whole place applauded! It was cool!



1 Gulf Coast Highway

2 So Long Ago

3 Outbound Plane

4 From a Distance

5 Late Night Grande Hotel

6 Three Flights Up

7 Tecumseh Valley

8 Turn Around

9 These Days in an Open Book

10 Going Back to Georgia

11 Anything You Need But Me

12 Say it Isn't So

13 Across the Great Divide

14 Trouble in the Fields

15 Don't Forget About Me

16 Time of Inconvenience

17 Speed of the Sound of Loneliness

18 This Heart

19 It's a Hard Life Wherever You Go

20 I'll Move Along

21 Everything's Coming Up Roses


Tracks 1-3 Studio 1987

Track 4 - Live 1988

Tracks 5-8 Studio 1992

Tracks 9-11 Studio 1994

Tracks 12-19 Live 1995

Tracks 20-21 Studio 1997